The Global Panel at ICN2

Indian Woman With Grain

The Global Panel will contribute to the discussions by organising a side-event “Enhancing the impact of Agriculture and Food Systems Policies on Nutrition” and by participating to one of the roundtable discussions:

SIDE EVENT: Enhancing the Impact of Agricultural and Food Policies on Nutrition

When and where: Thursday 20 November 2014 at 13.00-14.30 at the FAO, Red Room, Building A, 1st Floor, Rome, Italy

The Global Panel’s technical brief How can Agriculture and Food System Policies improve Nutrition?” will be launched at this side event. It will show the breadth of policies relating to agriculture and food systems that influence nutritional outcomes for people and the opportunities to make these more nutrition – enhancing.

Global Panel speakers include:

Akinwumi Adesina, Global Panel member and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (Nigeria)

José Graziano da Silva, Global Panel member and Director General, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Jane Karuku, Global Panel and former President of Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

Jeff Waage, Head of Secretariat and Technical Adviser to the Global Panel

Click here for the full list of speakers

ROUNDTABLE 2: Improving Policy Coherence for Nutrition (PANEL 2 – Policy Coherence for Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture) 

When and where: Thursday 20 November 2014, 09.00-10.30 at the FAO, Red Room, Building A, 1st Floor, Rome, Italy

This panel will discuss how agricultural projects, programmes and policies can be designed to be more sensitive to nutritional needs.

Global Panel speakers include:

Akinwumi Adesina, Global Panel member and Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nigeria) – Country case study: Making agriculture policies nutrition- sensitive

Jeff Waage, Head of Secretariat and Technical Adviser to the Global Panel – Improving coherence within the food systems for nutrition

Read the concept note