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Repurposing agriculture support to improve nutrition, health, and the environment

On 28th July 2021, the Global Panel and the World Bank co-hosted an affiliated session ‘Repurposing agriculture support to improve nutrition, health, and the environment’ at the United Nation’s Food Systems Pre-Summit which discussed the potential role realigning public agricultural support could play in promoting both human and planetary health. A recording of the session is below. During the session, Dr Marco Springmann and Dr Madhur Gautam presented the…

Luke Michael 1cwzgnbhzrs Unsplash

Scientific Group

The Scientific Group is a diverse collaboration of global scientists and researchers appointed to ensure the content and outcomes of the UN’s Food Systems Summit are underpinned by science, and that the commitments from the Summit are achievable.   The Global Panel has provided the Scientific Group with two technical briefs ahead of the Summit.   The first brief ‘COVID-19 and Food Systems: Rebuilding for Resilience’ argues…

Mark Kucharski Muatuvbiozc Unsplash

Member State Dialogues

A key component to the success of the upcoming United Nations Food Systems Summit is the involvement of different stakeholder groups from across the food system. As part of preparations for the Summit, actors across the food system are being encouraged to convene multi-stakeholder Food Systems Summit Dialogues.  To engage as many stakeholders as possible, three types of Food Systems Summit Dialogues can be convened:  Member State Summit Dialogues organised…

Tucker Tangeman 9aar Efqydc Unsplash

Action Tracks and Action Areas

The United Nations Food Systems Summit has identified a set of five Action Tracks and four cross-cutting Levers of Change to focus on how food systems can support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Action Tracks cover every aspect of food systems and establish a space for sharing and learning across constituencies and for generating coordinated action,…

Gabriella Clare Marino Otws69rkqsc Unsplash

The Transition Steps Needed to Transform Our Food Systems

As part of its ongoing work in supporting preparations for the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS), the Global Panel has recently produced a brief for the Scientific Group of the UNFSS; ‘The Transition Steps Needed to Transform Our Food Systems’. This paper draws on the detailed analysis and advice set out in the Panel’s recent foresight report ‘Future Food Systems: For people, our planet and…

Liz Martin 9m8j7jvw Nc Unsplash

COVID-19 and Food Systems: Rebuilding for Resilience

As part of its ongoing work in supporting preparations for the forthcoming United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS), the Global Panel has produced a brief for the Scientific Group of the UNFSS; ‘COVID-19 and Food Systems: Rebuilding for Resilience’.  The paper argues the vital need to strengthen the resilience of food systems, not just to cope with a future pandemic, but for a range of demand- and supply-side shocks that could occur. The paper…


Working towards the United Nations Food Systems Summit

The Global Panel have been working towards the UNFSS, a detailed list of engagement is below. November 2020 – Action Track Leads and Vice-Chairs were briefed on the Foresight 2 Report. – IFBA were briefed on the Foresight 2.0 Report. – World Health Organisation were briefed on the Foresight 2 Report. – GP Secretariat attended…