
On April 26, 2022, the FAO Regional Office for Africa (RAF) hosted a briefing to discuss the findings from the Global Panel’s Foresight report, Future Food Systems – for people, planet and prosperity, and how the Panel could support FAO-RAF in aiding the transition towards improving African food systems so they better provide universal access to sustainable, healthy diets. Read the event summary here.

On the 9th February we held a High Level Round Table in Ethiopia, watch Ministers and senior officials discuss the vision for the transformation of Ethiopia's food system, and review the evidence and recommendations in the Foresight 2.0 report.

Prof. Patrick Webb provides a summary of the Foresight 2.0 report, Future Food Systems: For people, our planet and prosperity, at the CFS High-Level Special Event on 15 October.

The new Foresight 2.0 report, Future Food Systems: For people, our planet and prosperity aims to draw on the best available science and evidence to set out a practical way forward which is grounded in the realities of policy development in LMICs.

Find out about our Foresight 2.0 report Future Food Systems: For people, our planet and prosperity from the viewpoints of our Panel members, partners and other stakeholders.

The Global Panel's Foresight project aims at understanding what decisions policymakers need to take in the coming decades to ensure that by 2035 food systems deliver high quality diets in low/middle income countries. World leading experts are working together to provide evidence on future trends in agriculture and diets, and to estimate costs/benefits of new agriculture and food policies.

Event: "Achieving Nutrition Security: A call for leadership, partnership, and investment"

At the AfDB Annual Meeting, Bill Gates welcomes the formation of African Leaders for Nutrition and its potential impact through increased nutrition investments.

At AfDB Annual Meeting in Lusaka, African Leaders make economic case for increased nutrition investments

Watch Kofi Annan praising the effort of the African Leaders for Nutrition Initiative, while highlighting the role agriculture can play in defeating malnutrition.

President A. Adesina introduces the African Leaders for Nutrition initiative

Global Panel Member and African Development Bank President Akinwumi Adesina calls for the end of malnutrition in Africa at the Invest in Nutrition event, and names the African Leaders for Nutrition initiative as a way forward in meeting this challenge.

Kofi Annan's video appearance during third Global Panel annual meeting

Kofi Annan commented on the upcoming challenges posed by climate change in regard to nutrition and agriculture:  "While climate change affects us all, it does not affect us equally. Climate change will have the biggest impact on poor farmers who have done least to cause the problem, and are the most vulnerable as they lack the resources to adapt”.

Policy Brief on Climate-Smart Food Systems for Enhanced Nutrition

This video highlights the burden on agriculture and nutrition in the face of climate change. “Climate change is creating the conditions in which we have to find a way to provide nutrition to a growing global population," says Rachel Kyte, Global Panel member and World Bank Climate Change Envoy.

How can Agriculture and Food System Policies improve Nutrition?

This video explains how agriculture and food systems can support a food environment which delivers healthy, diverse diets which in return support nutrition outcomes.

Nutrition for Growth – One Year On, 2 June 2014

This event marked the one-year anniversary of Nutrition for Growth, an event that saw major public and private commitments to improving nutrition, including the establishment of the Global Panel onAgriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition.

What is the role of the Global Panel?

Find out how all the Global Panel members (this time also featuring Jose Graziano da Silva) are committed to catalyzing collaboration and building understanding across sectors to improve nutrition through agriculture and food systems, to contribute...