Global Panel annual meeting – Day 1, Part 1


Former President of Ghana, John Kufuor and Sir John Beddington, UK’s former Chief Scientist co-chaired the first Global Panel annual meeting in Africa.

The Panel discussed the progress that had been made in its work programme for 2015 and agreed the plans for 2016. The Global Panel members discussed how future trends in the way people decide to consume their food could make it more challenging to address the problems associated with malnutrition. The Panel’s Foresight project, which is looking at how diets will develop in the future in low and middle income countries aims to guide policymakers and other organisations working in agriculture, food systems, social protection and finance to take better account of nutrition. The Panel discussed the evidence, possible conclusions and audiences for the report. A strategic discussion on bringing food systems into policy making was led by Panel member Srineth Reddy.

Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony was attended by over 100 guests. Read more about the contributions from John Kufour, Kofi Annan and John Beddington.

Full programme of events