Year: 2015


To end malnutrition, we must step up to the plate with data on what people eat

With one in three people malnourished globally, there is a clear need to serve up better information on food consumption and the systems that shape it.


Food: The centre of our lives and futures

“Food is a need we all share, yet too many go without.” Former President of Ghana John Kufuor on ending global hunger on the occasion of World Food Day 2015

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Co-designing food systems for nutrition and the environment

The way we produce food is the single most significant way humanity modifies the environment. Charles Godfray examines to what degree we need to consider the joint nutrition and environmental consequences of changes to food system policy.


CFS 42 Side Event on Climate Change, Food Security and Nutrition: Cultivating Sustainable Diets and Food Systems

The Side Event: “Climate Change, Food Security and Nutrition: Cultivating Sustainable Diets and Food Systems” is a joint effort between the Global Panel, FANRPAN, Ag4Impact and the John Kufuor Foundation. It will take place next October 14th at the 42nd Session of the Committee on World Food Security in Rome (FAO HQ). 


Climate change means just that: we must change with the climate

Nutrition rests not just on a steady food supply. The quality of foods and diets is equally important.

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Health in the era of sustainable development

Panel Member K. Srinath Reddy, President of the Public Health Foundation of India and adjunct professor of epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, delivered a lecture on Health in the Era of Sustainable Development on Sept 25th at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

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Data are key to ensure nutrition for all

Good evidence lies at the core of effective policy action. The Global Panel’s new Technical Brief “Improved metrics and data are needed for effective food system policies in the post-2015 era” argues that the research community and governments need to work together to develop better ways to collect data which focusses on the nutritional impacts of food policy interventions.

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Meeting #SDG targets through diversified high-quality diets

Market systems that make diversity of diets both affordable and attractive to the consumer are game changers to achieve food security for all. In this joint article, Jeff Waage and Patrick Webb explore why diversifying high quality diets is crucial for meeting the targets set by the Sustainable Development Goals.


Towards more nutrition-friendly food systems for the 21st Century

Why is it so difficult to make healthy diet choices? Is it really just an individual responsibility? For Lawrence Haddad the answer is no. He points out that policies, rather than individual choices, can help a big deal to shift from food systems to more nutrition friendly food systems

Food Systems

Action needed now to enhance nutrition in the face of climate change

Policy makers can make a significant difference to ensure healthy diets for people at every stage of life. The Global Panel’s new policy brief Climate-smart food systems for enhanced nutrition urges decision makers to adopt a pro-nutrition lens while protecting and promoting agriculture in the face of climate change