The Weight of the World: The Burgeoning Malnutrition Crisis

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Patrick Webb (far left) contributed to the discussion The Weight of the World: The Burgeoning Malnutrition Crisis.

This discussion explored the role of food in diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and undernutrition as well as the economic costs and health risks associated with these outcomes. Moderated by Julie Gichuru of ARIMUS Media Limited, the panelists provided thoughtful insight on how food contributes positively and negatively to the state of the world’s nutrition.

Panellists: C.D. Glin (Rockefeller Foundation), Mark Hyman, MD (Institute for Functional Medicine) Lindiwe M. Sibanda (Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network [FANRPAN]), and Patrick Webb, MD (Policy and Evidence Adviser, Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition).

Patrick Webb focussed on food systems, the dynamics in urban as well as rural settings, and the impact of climate change on nutrition. 

Missed the panel discussion? The video is now available on our YouTube channel